Are You Having Difficulty Getting Your Mare Pregnant?
A natural and effective solution to balancing and regulating a mares reproductive cycle is Serene By Nature. Mares may benefit with regular, and healthy cycles, from this unique bio-identical cream.
A healthy cycle is essential to a successful conception and gestation.
Here is a heart warming (and relatable) testimonial from Vanessa regarding her beloved mare Ruby, who is now (Happily!!) nearly 90 days pregnant…
(Be sure to check out her video below!)
We have been on the road traveling with my mare Ruby for several years since she was five. She had always seemed to have a regular cycle, but would have a very reactive day with erratic behavior.
She was having times where she had very painful cycles and her erratic behavior was getting much worse.
We moved back to Michigan with the intention of being off of the road and able to breed Ruby. The first summer we were back her cycle was erratic and she lost the one pregnancy. The second year we tried again, but no pregnancy occurred.
We used the various hormones, such as Regumate, typical with veterinary medicine but it was always trying to manipulate her cycle in positive ways.
This year we have been using Serene By Nature to help get her back to a natural cycle without hormones. Even with the irregular weather patterns making all the mares cycles off schedule, Ruby was able to establish a regular cycle.
During our two attempts to breed her she had the largest follicles, regular timing, good edema, and a more relaxed cervix than ever before.
We’re VERY happy to report that Ruby is 60 days pregnant thanks to Serene By Nature cream!
And for the fun icing on this lovely cake: All along the way the cream has also made her attitude better, with more focus, throughout her heat cycles.
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